Recipes Εορταστικές
Sauté prawn with cherry tomatoes confit, on biscuit tart, with feta cheese cream

- Cut cherry tomatoes in the middle and then put them on a baking sheet with a non – sticky paper, sprinkling them with brown sugar, salt, and fresh pepper, and pour on them olive oil.
- Place the pan in a preheated oven and bake them at 150C for 30′ – 35′.
- Spread the tart sheet on a shallow pan, with a non – sticky paper and bake it in a pre-heated oven at 180C for 20′ – 25′.
- When tart is ready, withdraw it from the oven, let it be cold and afterwards cut it in even pieces.
- Put all your ingredients in a multi to create the feta cream: feta cheese, milk, cheese cream, olive oil, fresh pepper and mix them well until you get a nice cream.
- Peel the shrimps and put their heads in a small pan with water until they are boiled. Keep from this, 80ml shrimp broth.
- Strain the shrimp broth and pour it in a dosage dispenser.
- Put a big non – sticky frying pan on roaring fire until it is warmed up well and add olive oil. Sauté shrimps for 1 – 2 minutes, sparkling with salt and fresh pepper and stir with shrimp broth, during your cooking procedure.
Once prawn is ready, serve in big individual plates with biscuit tart, along with cherry tomatoes, next to them add shrimps and feta cream. Decorate with fresh oregano.

2 packages of Argentine shrimp prawn
4 olive oil spoons
1 tart sheet
180gr. feta cheese cream
60gr. milk
80gr. fresh cheese cream
50gr. olive oil
30 cherry tomatoes
2 brown sugar spoons (for cherry tomatoes)
4 olive oil spoons (for cherry tomatoes)
Fresh pepper