Risotto with Argentine prawn, saffron Kozani, and cheese San Michali

Recipes Εορταστικές

Risotto with Argentine prawn, saffron Kozani, and cheese San Michali

25 λεπτά
  • Chop the onion and clean the shrimp. Keep their heads and shells along in another bowl, and remove the intestine from their shell spin.
  • Put a pan on heavy fire to be warmed up and add 2 spoons of olive oil.
  • Sauté their heads for 3 -4 minutes, add vegetables broth, and boil them for 20 – 25 minutes.
  • Strain the broth and keep it on the pot for risotto.
  • Place a deep non sticky pan on fire to be warmed up and add the rest of olive oil and the butter.
  • Sauté the onion until it is soft, but no colored.
  • Add rice arborio, keep sautéing for 1 more minute, quench with nice, add saffron Kozanis and spoon by spoon the vegetable broth until rice absorb it all, for 25 minutes.
  • While you are cooking the rice, put a small non sticky frying pan and sauté the shrimps, with olive oil for 1 – 2 minutes, sprinkling with salt and fresh pepper.
  • Once rice is ready, add grated San Michali cheese and blend them well.

Serve rice in large plates and put on top Argentine shrimps with olive oil, fresh pepper and chervil leaves. 

2 comensales 2 comensales
Recipe for 2 people


1 packaging Argentine prawn Pescanova

250 gr. Arborio rice
4 olive oil spoons
2 spoons of butter
½ onion
200ml white wine
6-7 stamens shaffron Kozanis
900ml vegetable broth
200 gr. grated cheese San Michali
2-3 spoons chervil
Fresh pepper